1) Face reduction 2) Face balance 3) Plastic surgery side effects

Holistic medicine therapy is a broad range of medical practices that are based on many years of tradition. With our Trigger Point Therapy Treatment, your body and mind will help you feel free and clear of all worries and stress that life places upon us. A Massage Therapist trained in a variety of holistic techniques will help to heal you both mentally and physically. [japan Shiatsu Therapy] Meridians are energy pathways that run throughout the body. In shiatsu what we're doing is balancing the two flows of energy, yin and yang, to find that balance. [Korea Golki Therapy] Coming up the front of the body are the yin meridians. There are six of them running from the inside of the leg, front of the leg, all the way up to the head and also through the inside of the arms. On the back of the body the yang meridians run over the head and down the backs of the legs into the floor. So when working with meridians we want to follow this natural course of energy. For example, if I wanted to work on the lung meridian, which starts right here in the chest and moves out through the inside of the arm, I would use various techniques such as pressure points, or I could do a nice stretch, but always moving in that natural flow with the meridian. And vice versa, if I wanted to work on the back of the body, instead of starting down and moving up, to go with the natural flow I would start my pressure points up and move down towards the floor. So, that's the most basic way to work with the meridians to find ultimate balance in the body. Another thing about meridians, we can think of if there were rivers running throughout her body and she felt pain in a certain area, say like the top of her shoulder. In Western body work forms we might say there's a knot in the muscle. In shiatsu we would look at that as a dam or a block within a river that's stopping the flow of water. So if this was the dam in the river or the block of energy, in shiatsu by applying pressure there it helps free it up and redistribute the energy throughout the body. So that's the basic principle of working with meridians in shiatsu. Indeed, the focus of Japanese small face correction is different as they focus on massaging the muscles to strengthen and give it a lift, rather than setting the bone to make the face look smaller. Interestingly, Japanese small face correction was also much more effective for me as the first facial itself has effects that lasted me 3 to 4 weeks vs 1 to 2 weeks for Golki. Needless to say, I have been coming to Facia Ginza regularly since. Not many people realize that but Julian shared that the facial muscles are actually connected to our neck and shoulder muscles. Massaging the area helps to reduce water retention and improve blood circulation, reducing my facial bloat and helping to drain away toxins. [USA lymphatic drainage massage] Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. Changes can occur immediately and sometimes up to seven days after treatment. As mentioned before, it is best to gently exercise for 10 to 15 minutes immediately after your Lymph Drainage Massage session (i.e. walking) to assist your body in the removal of toxins. Although there are studies upholding its ability to accelerate the lymphatic system, reduce post-surgical swelling and even reduce thigh circumference, cellulite and fat in women. A lymphatic drainage massage can help you expedite your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins by pushing fluid to the lymph channels through a gentle and targeted technique. Getting yourself a Lymphatic Massage now can lead not only to lose weight but to good overall health. If you have too much lymph in your body, it can build up in the tissues under the skin's surface — the same tissues that are manipulated during a massage. It would make sense, then, that a deep-tissue rubdown would cause your body to suddenly be flooded with those toxins in your lymph, making you suddenly feel icky. The lymph fluid carries the waste products and destroyed bacteria back into the bloodstream. The liver or kidneys then remove these from the blood. The body passes them out with other body waste, through bowel movements (poo) or urine (pee). A lymphatic drainage massage can help you expedite your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins by pushing fluid to the lymph channels through a gentle and targeted technique. Getting yourself a Lymphatic Massage now can lead not only to lose weight but to good overall health. Lymphatic drainage can leave you feeling exhausted. You may want to have a lie down, or at the very least, a very undemanding schedule for the rest of the day. Give your body time to ease back into activity. Lymphatic drainage massage may also leave you really thirsty.